Monday, 26 March 2012

Luxury home with Futuristic Architecture Design

Let us review a bit of a luxury home can be for a future home but did not eliminate the original function of the home. We know the first meaning that leads to mas futuristic front.So futuristic science in home design that we create a home for the future. Because ofthe growing age then people will find new innovations which will be used in the future.Futuristic house will certainly be developed in physical form due to the...

Friday, 23 March 2012

Green House

The house will be comfortable if it can be a place where we rest in peace. Not only thedesign but with the concept of green house because the house is a lot of plants then weget a lot of oxygen and shade from the sun of course. Global warming will be reduced if all the people in this world used the concept of eco-friendly homes. With our use of environmentally friendly homes will help us to help globalwarming. The concept of green homes we...

Monday, 12 March 2012

Bedroom as a relaxation

A busy daily life can add to the burden in mind. hard work at the office may be carried over to the house. place so that we can use to reduce fatigue in the home and as a resting place peranana bedroom has a very important role in our busyness. Certainly be a place for relaxation with a nice arrangement and corresponding kemauna we can enjoy and relax. ample room also has an effect and place a few indoor plants that can add a nice impressi...

Friday, 9 March 2012

Unique Wooden Table

One Important property in the house are tables and chairs. to relax, eat, or just for decoration of the room is empty. the availability of abundant natural resources in Indonesia creative craftsmen using wood That are not used to the make an attractive table and chairs. To decorate your house an innovative and unique table can be used for home decorate your ho...
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